The places on the L.M. Montgomery Literary Tour not only inspired L.M. Montgomery’s books, including Anne of Green Gables, but they are full of history about PEI and L.M. Montgomery herself! Through her fictional stories, Montgomery brought the real place of Prince Edward Island to life for her readers.
If you plan to visit Prince Edward Island in 2024, here is a look at the sites to see and their opening dates!
Anne of Green Gables Museum
Visit the Lake of Shining Waters, Anne of Green Gables shop, and the beautiful landscape of rural PEI. This property is full of history, as it is where Montgomery’s cousins lived during her life. She visited the farm often and was married in the house on the property.
Opening: May 20th, 2024.
The Museum will open by reservation only before May 20th, 2024 by contacting or calling 800-665-2663.
Hours: May 20th to May 31 and Oct 1 to Oct 15 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
June and September from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
July and August from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Anne of Green Gables Heritage Place
Enjoy the bilingual visitor centre, visit the Anne of Green Gables house, and walk The Haunted Woods and Lovers Lane trails.
Opening: May 1st, 2024
Open by special appointment from April 15-30. To book an appointment, please email
Hours: May 1 to October 31, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm daily.
Birthplace of L.M. Montgomery
This is the place where Lucy Maud Montgomery’s life began. This museum in picturesque New London is filled with historical artifacts and information on Montgomery’s life.
Opening: May 20th, 2024
Hours: Open May 20th to June 15th and September 1st to Oct 12th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Open June 16th to August 31st from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The Site of L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish Home
This is the property where L.M. Montgomery wrote Anne of Green Gables. This place greatly influenced her writings and is where she spent most of her childhood and early adulthood.
Opening: May 2024
Stay tuned for the exact 2024 dates and hours!
Inn at Ingleside
This is the house where Montgomery’s grandfather lived. It is not a museum open to visitors, but it is an inn you can book a stay in this summer!
Bideford Parsonage Museum
Montgomery’s first teaching assignment was in Bideford. The house where she boarded is now a museum where you can learn about PEI’s history and Montgomery’s life. This hidden gem is a great place to truly learn about life in rural PEI during the late 19th century.
Opening: June 2024
Open June, July, August, & September 2024. See Facebook and website for updated hours.
Sir Andrew MacPhail Homestead
The MacPhail Homestead is a wonderful museum to learn more about the history of PEI during Lucy Maud Montgomery’s life. Montgomery visited the property in 1910 where she met with the Governor General of Canada after the publishing of Anne of Green Gables.
Opening: July 2024
Open July, August, & September Tuesday-Friday or by appointment.
Other places to visit on the tour:
- Montgomery Park
- Cavendish Cemetery
- Cavendish Shore
- Cavendish United Church
- The Confederation Centre of the Arts
- Robertson Library
- Kensington Train Station
- Lower Bedeque Schoolhouse
These locations are across all of Prince Edward Island. Look at this map to see where each place is located on PEI: Literary Tour Map.