
Through the Lens of L.M. Montgomery

“I took my camera over to Park Corner and got a number of pretty views. There is such a magnificent grove of maple and beech behind Uncle John Campbell’s house. I could never tire of rambling through it. The winding paths are bordered thickly with ferns and the light comes softly down sifted through so many emerald screens that it is as flawless as the heart of a diamond.” (Rubio & Waterston, 242)

Trees at Park Corner, P.E.I., c.a. 1900 Source: University of Guelph

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s artistic spirit and imagination is not only evident through her writings, but also through her photography. Montgomery’s love of photography began when she first got a camera as a teenager, and she continued to use photography as a creative outlet throughout her life.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Montgomery’s photography hobby is how it intersects with her creative process as a writer. For Montgomery, photography was a form of visual storytelling. Many of her photographs serve as visual references for the landscapes and settings depicted in her novels, offering a glimpse into the real-life inspiration behind her fictional worlds.

Just as Montgomery used language to evoke a sense of place and emotion in her writings, she also composed her photographs with an eye for detail and composition. We can see the world through her eyes in both her writings and photographs. 

In celebration of Montgomery’s 150th birthday, The Inspiring World of L.M. Montgomery Literary Tour is hosting Maud’s Photo Rambles With Rambler Ian Carter, a walking tour about Montgomery’s life and photography passion. This is the perfect opportunity to grab your smartphone or favourite camera and join us in Cavendish for a leisurely reminiscence as we share a few stories and capture some inspirational sources for Maud’s writing and photography.  These relaxed rambles will explore the site of Montgomery’s Cavendish Home where she spent most of the first 37 years of her life: we’ll photograph a few of the actual sites and sensations that captured the famous author’s imagination. Book your tickets here!

If you prefer to look at photos instead of take them, visit the PEI Photography Club exhibit inspired by Montgomery’s writings and photos at the Cavendish Visitor Information Centre. You can view the exhibit during the Cavendish Visitor Centre’s open hours: Open every day May 13th-June 29th from 9-5 pm and June 30th – August 31st from 10-6 pm. In addition, the exhibit at the Cavendish Visitor Infomation Centre will include some of Montgomery’s own photographs!